Welcome to outofthebluedoc.org, a website dedicated to the documentary short Out of the Blue, directed by Matt Stamm and produced by Cory Godwin. The film explores the subject of marine mammals strandings and has been screening at documentary film festivals throughout 2012 and 2013. Be sure to check us out on Facebook too! Our goal is to educate the public about the issues surrounding dolphin and whale strandings. Each year thousands of these animals wash up on U.S. coastlines. While natural causes account for many of these beachings, it is estimated that more than 50% of them are the result of human induced causes such as commercial fishing, vessel strikes, pollution, NAVY sonar usage, and even gunshot wounds. Valiant efforts are made by marine mammal stranding programs to rescue and rehabilitate these animals, but less than 1% of beached cetaceans survive. Learn what you can do as a citizen to help preserve marine mammals, and make U.S. waters into the sanctuary they deserve. |